The Positive and Negative Effects of Addictions


Every individual has their own addiction whether it is an addiction over food and drinks, shopping, or even on prohibited drugs. Some people find it helpful for them to be addicted over something as the addiction helps in achieving their self-esteem, building self-confidence, and a way to relax their nerves. Some also get addicted over something because it is through their addiction wherein they could release their stress all out. The problem for them is, when they are hindered on doing their addiction, their anxiety level increases and thus causing them to become violent.

Addiction is classified into two, positive and negative addiction. A positive addiction is an addiction that is beneficial to oneself. Avery common example of positive addiction is exercise, living a healthy lifestyle and doing humanitarian acts. While for the negative addiction, it is an addiction wherein it is detrimental to the self such as shopping, taking drugs, compulsive eating, gambling, excessive drinking and a lot more. These forms of habits not only destroy the body but it also destroys the self.

In women, their most common form of addiction is shopping. Shopping over shoes, clothes and bags is a delight for women. For them, they find shopping as a form of stress reliever, an outlet of their anger and being in a depressing situation. The negative thing about shopping though is that some of the clothes or shoes or bags and whatever they shop for will no longer be used since it is no longer the fad or no longer fits them leading to putting bulk in the closet.

Another very common form of addiction that is present in both men and women is being an excessive drinker of alcoholic beverages. Occasionally drinking is not bad, it only becomes detrimental when it becomes a habit or is being practiced every single day. Many individuals love to drink alcoholic beverages because it is through drinking that they could release their hidden emotions. Some drink for the purpose of escaping reality and some to forget their problems. Whenever someone gets drunk, there is a feeling of euphoria and numbness all over the body that even the best stun gun will not work on him when you stun him. The stun gun effects are useless when you use them on individuals under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Gambling when not controlled can become an addiction. Again, people gamble for entertainment purposes. Gambling becomes a problem when an individual seems to have no control and just keeps on wasting money on games of luck and chances. It is good to engage in activities like this but always bear in mind that once is enough if you want to spare money for the future of your family and yourself.

Compulsive eating and smoking are also addictions by many individuals almost in all parts of the world. Like any other forms of addiction, it also releases stress and anxiety and tends to give an individual pleasure. It is through eating wherein depressed people can pour out all their emotions either grief or anger and when not overcome, will become a habit. Smoking is probably one of the habits that are hard to break especially for those chain smokers. The only way to fully stay away from this is to slowly detach the self from smoking and learning to discipline the self.

We all just need to control ourselves in order for us not to become addicted over something. All we need is proper discipline and always bear in mind that there are a lot of good addictions in the world that will not harm our body and will provide us with a better future.


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