How To Lose 70 Pounds In 4 And A Half Months


The Routine I followed: the key to successful weight loss is creating a routine, and this way, eat and exercise at almost the same times of the day!

The 1st thing you must do, is stop overeating. I know it sounds easy, but it is really difficult to do it. I was able to follow a diet plan for 5-6 days, but out of nowhere I could eat over 3,000 calories at a meal and all the hard work I did was gone in 10 minutes. Of course I felt horrible after that, but it was already too late.

YES, I was binge eating and it took me 6-7 months to learn how to control my food addiction and emotional eating. The good news is that you can do it so much faster, because you have the mindset manual. So, if you haven’t read it yet, go and do it right now!

Here’s what I did when I started…

First I took the decision that I will do this for 3-4 months no matter what, because my goal was to lose 70 pounds…

I started drinking lots of water with lemon juice, to clean all my system of toxins. Always have a bottle with you and set your alarm so that it beeps every 45 minutes to remind you to drink water.

I use to prepare my water the day before. You can do it in the morning as well, however, each morning should start with a big glass of lemon water, followed by your morning workout.

Then followed breakfast, then a snack, and lunch around 1. I used to eat another 2 snacks later, followed by a light dinner. Almost every evening I used to jog or walked for 30 minutes, and at least 2 days per week, I went to the gym for a 30 minutes strength workout.

The routine for losing weight fast!

– morning: – drink a big glass of lemon water (at room temperature),

– my morning workout – I gave you a few examples of intense workouts, however this one is the most effective – only 5 minutes of: stretching and a little worm up; then do: 5 burpees, 10 pushups, 20 squats, 20 lunges, 30 abdominal crunches and 50 jumpin jacks. Repeat this routine for 5 times. It will take you around 15-20 to do this morning routine, but you’ll burn around 200 calories. This will increase your blood flow and metabolism. Do this short workout tomorrow morning!

– breakfast: Just pick one of the options I laid out for you in the diet manual.

– snack 1: a small fruit salad

– early lunch: a salad, light cheese (not too much) and grilled meat, olive oil. You can choose whatever from the diet plan.

– snack 2: my favorite Protein Cookies. containing lots of protein and only 150 calories.

– dinner: grilled fish with grilled vegetables ( boiled are just fine, but as much as possible, they should be close to raw).

– drink 2-3 litters of lemon water in between and fresh squeezed juice: again, I try to go for veggies instead of fruits, and especially the ones that boost female metabolism, like beet root and carrots.

– every evening and throughout the day, more lemon water or green tea.

– 2 ingredients that must be in your daily meal plan are: coconut oil and cinnamon. These 2 are so essential for weight loss and must be consumed daily, because they increase the body’s ability to burn fats!

You can use coconut oil/butter for all your cooking and if you don’t cook try to consume 2 tea spoons of coconut butter – take one in the morning, one in the afternoon.

It has a great taste! And cinnamon, can be sprinkled on fruits on in your tea or coffee!

The truth is that I followed this routine for over 4 months and lost over 70 pounds.

I also recommend you do another workout in the afternoon, 2 days per week. A longer one, that can take up to 45 minutes, in which you a strength workout.

I also used to use the massager brush on my thighs and legs.

This is a great tool, because massaging your thighs, butt, stomach area and even arms, will increase blood flow to these areas and breaks down fat deposits.

For the best results, I recommend to use it daily with any cream – even olive oil or coconut oil are great!

The most important aspect for you if you want to lose weight is perseverance. No matter if you are lazy, don’t feel like exercising you need to stop excuses and keep going forward.

So, my advice to you is to start TODAY! Don’t wait another day… at least create the schedule TODAY and start tomorrow! Don’t forget to share this article about How To Lose 70 Pounds with your friends using the social media.


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