7 Valuable Tips to Help With Opiate Addiction Withdrawals and Symptoms From Home

[ad_1] Breaking free from a drug addiction can be extremely hard. It can be both scary and intimidating for those wanting to beat their opiate addictions. Heroin addicts can face some of the most excruciating withdrawal symptoms. For some, in-patient rehabilitation isn’t an option or may not be affordable and can cost thousands of dollars … [Read more…]

Motivation Management Is the Key of Change

[ad_1] During my career, I have learned that motivation is the most important factor of change. I have seen people who have overcome their addictive behavior only with the high motivation. In addition, I have many people who continue their addictive behaviors despite the fact that they enjoy the various opportunities, such as professional consultants, … [Read more…]

TV Addiction – As Serious As Drug Addiction

[ad_1] Over-attachment to anything is a serious problem. People are addicted to different things – drugs, cigarette, alcohol, cartoons, and computer games are just a few things that people fall addicted to. No one really thought seriously about TV addiction until recently, when a research found the characteristic behavior of persons addicted to drugs and … [Read more…]

30 False Beliefs About Addiction

[ad_1] The key to being successful in every aspect of your life is making the right decision. And good decision making depends on reliable beliefs. Getting rid of addiction is impossible, if we have false beliefs about addiction problem, because, the defining a problem is the first step for problem solving. These false beliefs are … [Read more…]